Tuesday, 12 September 2017


Life is a series of waves
Some high, some low
Some good enough to surf on
Some strong enough to bring us down
But none fierce enough to stop us
From moving on, moving ahead.

Time is a series of waves
Rushing against the desire for stillness
Stagnant against the need for change
Slipping through the fingers grasping tight
But none intense enough to extinguish
The ever burning fire of curiosity and the mind.

Emotions are a series of waves
Anger, envy and melancholy blended
Trust, love and joy suffused
Easier to feel, arduous to grasp
But none too complicated to express 
The ones that make us who we are.


Sunday, 27 August 2017

Les sentiments d'une journée/ The Feelings of a Day

A stream of warm light

Peeps through the curtains

Playing hide and seek on my face

And coaxing me to open my eyes

Morning speaks the language of tranquility.

The sound of the slow bustle

Surprisingly makes me calm.

The smell of freshly baked bread

Wafting through the air

And the gentle rustle of trees against my window

Convince me to get a move on.

A lot of work done

A lot yet to do

Hunger slowly opens its eyes

A small break to watch the world whizz by

A small break to see the sun bright.

Afternoon speaks the language of laze

However for many, it passes by in a haze.

The sun right above our heads

Drains us of our energy and drives us inside

Because he says it is the time to be industrious

And finish breaks, in a haste.

The sky starts experimenting with colors

Yellow, orange, red, purple

Life slows down, our thoughts go back

To the past, happy and sad

Evening speaks the language of reminiscence.

Memories long forgotten

Which shaped our lives and made us

Who we are, for better or for worse.

He spreads out his light, far and wide

Before escaping from our grasps

And going into the hide.

Out comes his lover

With her friends, the stars and the clouds

Playing chase and peek-a-boo

Varying the sky’s dark, subtle hue.

Night speaks the language of discovery

Of new ideas, originality and creativity

 Where in the mind opens its doors

To wandering thoughts from far and beyond.

Which sojourns in our mind

Before drifting away like the gentle wind

Making a mark on its way, and in our lives.

                                                                                 ~Athira :)

Saturday, 26 August 2017

101 Thoughts Keeping Me Awake: Part Two

51. What's the time? Oh, 9 pm.Wait, what?? 3 A.M.!??
52. And there goes my "Wake up early, Be happy" plan down the drain.
53.  I really should sleep.
54. But tomorrow is Sunday. Sunday = Fun-day (or so Instagram says).
55. Exactly. So for fun you need to wake up. Which means..
56. Wait. 3 am. Devil's Hour. OKAY.
57. They don't exist. Nope. Unless..
58. I need distraction. Devil, devil... Devil in Pinstripes. Devil Wears Prada. Cruella de Vil. 101 Dalmatians.
59. Aww, dogs. Dogs are love. They are the best companions ever. (Better than humans, I believe)
60. Even Milo from The Mask was adorable.
61. Milo is back, right? In the canteen? I mean the chocolate drink :P
62. I remember collecting freebies from these products when I was a kid. My mom could convince me to buy them only because of the free goodies.
63. Childhood was good. No worries. Actually we had worries. But they were so insignificant. Like, "Will it rain today? They promised to let me bat today. They better stick to their word."
64. We used to play so many sports; cricket, football, basketball and our classic indigenous games like Lagori, Chain, Kho-Kho Hopscotch, Langdi, Chuppa-Chuppi... Those were good, ol' days.
65. Never realized when books and marks took over our life now, did we? At least, I didn't.
66. Suddenly, Taylor Swift's song, "Wish I'd never grown up" makes a lot of sense.
67. The more we grow, the more we explore and broaden the horizon of our mind.
68. Horizon. Where did I hear that before? Oh yes, Attitude Indicator.
69. Why am I even thinking about that? (-_-)
70. I really should sleep. Tomorrow is Sunday. Sunday is... Vada Day! I completely forgot!
71. Which came first, Vada or Doughnut? (Pretty irrelevant because I love them both.)
72. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
73. "Why did the chicken cross the road?", asked Modiji. "Because, the roads in Gujarat are smooth."  (Yep, I snitched this joke from really creative sources a.k.a AIB XD)
74. How do comedians make jokes ALL THE TIME? Is it imbibed in their DNA? Or do they learn jokes and keep for future reference?
75. Stand up comedy has become a major profession now, hasn't it?
76. What if I.... Nope. Nope. I'll make a really sad comedian.
77. Still, they are pretty chill no? Their life. And their friends. And their life. Again.
78. Its pretty cold tonight. Roomie asleep. I'll switch off the fan.
79. Why does the fan have 3 blades? What if it was not fixed? Will it fly away like the rotor of a helicopter?
80. What am I even thinking. Sheesh.
81. Okay, let's do it the Mr. Bean way. Let us count the number of sheep to fall asleep. (That rhymes!)
82.Ready? One two buckle my shoe, three four shut the door, five six.... something fix?
83. I don't even remember the rhymes. I'm pathetic.
84. Wait. What happened to the sheep? Oh, of course. They slept.
85. Am I the only one awake at this hour?
86. I can hear the birds chirping. They have started a new day and I haven't even finished the old one.
87. If I sleep now I'll wake up at noon.
88. Half-a-day wasted. Better not sleep.
89. I'll go for a walk. Wait. It's raining. Awesome.
90. My clothes!! Aargh!! (-_-)
91. Rain rain go away. Don't come again.
92. Okay, I'll keep the alarm for quarter to nine. I won't miss the Vada then.
93. But siriusly, what came first? Vada or Doughnut?
94. Get it? 'Sirius'ly. (Slow Clap)
95. Harry Potter references never get old.
96. However, I am. Getting old, that is.
97. Wait, almost 20? Wow. Bye teens. Hello reality.
98.  Reality is an illusion. Are we an illusion too?
99. Sleep is an illusion for me now. How did I even stay up the WHOLE night!?
100. "Is it too late now to say Good Night?"  ( Or too early to say Good Morning?)
101. Alright, time to wake....

And thus, I fell asleep. Only to be woken up by the "Wake up, Wake up, It's a brand, new day" alarm five minutes later. 
                                                                                                       ~ Athira :)

Sunday, 23 July 2017

101 thoughts keeping me awake : Part One

      Having a mind buzzing with thoughts all the time, it is very difficult for me to know exactly what I want or need. And the best way to declutter that mess, I figured, is to put it in writing.
And so the list begins:

1.       Should I sleep?
2.       I slept in the afternoon though.
3.       Am I hungry?
4.       Wow the room is actually pretty small.
5.       I should clean my table.
6.       Let me play some music.
7.       Wow. That’s a lot of kpop and drama osts in my playlist.
8.       Why am I addicted to Kdramas!?
9.       But I admit, the actor was really cute. ;)
10.   What is the life of an actor like?
11.   They get good food every day.
12.   They can order-in almost anything.
13.   They have personal shoppers and trainers.
14.   Do they fall in love with their co-stars?
15.   What is love?
16.   Something we give and take almost every day without realizing it ourselves.
17.   I love dogs. And a few people. And all kinds of food.
18.   Food! There isn’t any in my tummy and in this dingy room.
19.   I should really get some sleep.
20.   But wait, if she loved him so much and he did the same, why didn’t they just say it to each other?
21.   Oh wait, then the series would be over in 2 episodes. XD
22.   These movies and series set up such high standards and wrong notions about love.
23.   Nobody follows you around.
24.   Nobody waits for you in the rain.
25.   Nobody writes a letter anymore.
26.   Does the post office still exist?
27.   I don’t even know how to post a letter.
28.   Because emails and texts rule our world.
29.   But I know there are still some old souls out there who believe in writing.
30.   How do you identify old souls?
31.   First, they don’t show themselves out that much.
32.   Look carefully and you’ll find them watching and observing people.
33.   They are amazing listeners by the way.
34.   And their small advices speak volumes.
35.   They are the kind of people you will find staring at the sea, watching the waves play with their toes.
36.   I like how the waves come and take away the ground beneath your feet.
37.   For me, it signifies that time keeps moving and if you don’t move along, then you’ll find yourself buried under the ruins of time.
38.   Time really is a funny thing. The more you wish for it to go slow, the more it rushes by.
39.   I remember a poem about time. What was it called? Oh yes. Ozymandias.
40.    “The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed.” Somehow, I have never forgotten that line.
41.   School taught me a lot by teaching me lessons subconsciously.
42.   College taught me a lot by throwing lessons right on my face. (Still is!)
43.   I should REALLY sleep.
44.   Weekends are always short-lived. Just like happiness.
45.   What is happiness? (The most common question with the most uncommon answers)
46.   Happiness for me, right now, is waking up in the morning without any alarm ringing its way into my sleep. (Sigh.)
47.   I really should change my alarm tone. I don’t want everyone else waking up except me.
48.   I want to spend a day without my phone. Just eat, sleep, talk, write, doodle and read.
49.   That reminds me, there are new novels of my favourite genre in the library. :D
50.   Let me go ask my neighbor for food.
                                                                                                       (To be continued.)