Sunday, 3 April 2016

Paw Prints On My Heart

Life was monotonous.
Same old routine, same old work.
Until he came. Four furry little legs.
One look and we became the best of friends.

He messed up my life.
Made it upside-down.
But for once I was happy.
I had something to look forward to.

Fetch-The-Ball and Roll-In-Mud.
He taught me to be free.
He taught me how to live.
How to live in the moment.

Chase-the-butterflies. Watch-the-sunset.
He taught me to appreciate.
The small things in life.
The beauty of life.

Wagging tails and loving licks.
He taught me how to love. Unconditionally.
He taught me how to be happy. Carefree.
He taught me to let go of grudges. 
Anger. Resent.

Greeting everyone with a woof and a wag.
He taught me to treat everyone equally.
To stop judging people.

Being by my side. Always.
He taught me to be loyal.
And dependent.
He taught me the power of companionship.

And then he moved on.
He came in my life.
Changed it. 
And left.
Leaving paw prints on my heart. 
Permanently. <3