Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Short Scribbles: Best Friends

   Ever wondered why best friends are called “Best” friends? 

   It is because they bring out the “best” in you. They have been with you through the “best” and the worst of your times. They have seen (and bore!) your anger, your mood swings, your sadness and have been with you through thick and thin. They have always been there for you whenever you need them. They give you the best advice (oh yes, they do!) and sometimes they can be so (brutally) honest that you actually wonder if they really mean what they say. (Yes they do. Because behind every “I’m kidding”, there is a hint of truth. I’m kidding! XD)

    I have been lucky enough to find a few (few=2-3) friends who have been a silent support for me through my life. They know all my secrets (I hope it’s the same the other way round!), have seen me (and been with me) through the bad times of my life and have always been there to celebrate the best times as well. They are my angels in disguise and my devils in the open! And I mean it when I say this; they are “best” things to have happened to me. :)
  “Friends come and go, like the waves of the ocean, but the true ones stay, like an octopus on your face”
                                (  This makes so much sense now! XD)

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Confessions Of An Ambivert

      I’m pretty sure you have read a lot about Introverts and Extroverts (and probably taken a quiz on it too!). But there is a thin line between these two worlds, which is occupied by a (pretty large) group of people. They are the “Ambiverts”.

    According to the dictionary an Ambivert is a person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert features in their personality. It kind of reminds me of amphibians because Ambiverts are like amphibians; they can survive in both the worlds :P. Jokes aside, here are five signs that you might be one as well:
  • You love socializing but you crave for some “ME” time as well. You enjoy hanging out with friends and having a good time but sometimes, you need a day or two to “recharge” yourself. You don’t mind partying on weekends but you are also okay with spending time alone and doing your own work. Too much socializing drains you out and a lot of alone time makes you gloomy. Hence you always try to have a balance between both these worlds. 
  • You can conduct small talks easily but you don’t actually appreciate one. Small talks are needed to start conversing with someone and build meaningful conversations with them. You indulge in small talks but actually prefer to have deep, meaningful conversations.  
  • You can easily work in a team and adapt yourself according to the requirements; or you can work alone. You are fine with anything, really. 
  • People around you get confused as to whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. For example, when you are with a group of people and the conversation goes into a topic which interests you, you can easily add to it and keep the conversation going. But at other times, you are content with just listening to them and laughing along.  
  • And most importantly, you know when to be outgoing and when to be reserved. Your co-workers and classmates may describe you as quiet and reserved because that’s how you tend to be in professional environments. But your close friends would describe you as a social animal and an extrovert because that’s the way you are around them. You can easily adapt yourself based on the situations and the environments (like a chameleon).
                    So if you find it difficult to figure out whether you are an Introvert or an Extrovert, but you can easily blend in with both of them, then you are probably an Ambivert. And if you are wondering (by any chance) how I know so much about Ambiverts, check out the title again.

Bon Weekend! :)                                                                                                                                             

Sunday, 20 March 2016

First Post & Diaries

    Well, not exactly the first. I’ve written blogs before; few turned out to be pretty decent and the rest… Ahem.

Whims of a poet (that’s a pretty decent one, or so I like to believe :P)

So back to the topic. This is my first, proper blog where I hope to write about everything under the sun and the stars. I won’t be delving into the details and such, but I hope it will appeal to the readers.

Okay, so all formalities done. 

        I’ve discovered that blogging is pretty much similar to writing diaries. Diaries tend to be more personal, but both platforms help you to put your thoughts and emotions into writing. And believe me, once you start writing on something you are really passionate about, you just keep on going.

  •   Why do people like writing diaries? From the best of my experience I’ve realized that a diary is the best platform to open up about your thoughts and feelings. You can tell all your troubles and secrets, no matter how horrible they are, and it will never judge you. Sometimes that’s all people want. Somebody who would listen to them and never judge them. But it’s human nature to judge people and give them advice if they confide their problems. Hence a diary. 

  •  If you look at writing in a practical way, you’ll realize that it is one of the best ways to improve your writing skills and grammar. You may not start out well, but if you keep on going, you’ll eventually start improving and become better at it. 

  •  Writing is one of the best ways to appreciate yourself for who you are. When you read about your feelings, troubles, successes and thoughts, you start understanding more about yourself. It is kind of like an introspection practice. You start assessing yourself based on what you had written. This helps you to realize your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can improve upon them.

  •  And the best part of it all: something to look back on. It is the “future” you reading about the “past” you. You will see how much you developed as a person. And sometimes, when you look back at your troubles, you realize that the problems and situations which seemed to be a big deal back then were not actually as big as they seemed. You may even find those problems funny! (I do that all the time, so no offense meant  :P).

And so, this is why I write a diary. It is not very difficult to write one. What is difficult is to take that first step and start writing. As Sissy Gavrilaki said, “It’s not hard to write when your hand is led by your heart”. So if you want to write, just do it. Period.

P.S. I have tried to stay true to my blog name. These are Jest Just Scribbles. From the heart.